AI: Small Language Model (“SLM”) vs Large Language Model (“LLM”)

AI: Small vs Large Language Models Hey folks! Ready for a deep dive into the AI world? Today, we’re unraveling the mysteries of SLMs and LLMs, not just techy acronyms but the unsung heroes of artificial intelligence. Buckle up, this is going to be a ride! Cracking the Code of SLMs (Small Language Models) Let’s…

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What are the Main Types of AI?

AI man surrounded by different types of AI bots that can be configured to his needs.

What are the Different Known Types of AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses various approaches and techniques. its still rather cloudy what types of AI exist and how many different types are out there.  There seems to be some agreement that there are at least two categories of AI.  Capability-based and Functionality-based, lets take a look…

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What is Generative AI?

Handsome Young man on phone using AI

What are the Different Known Types of AI Generative AI refers to a category of artificial intelligence systems that have the ability to generate new content or data that is similar to, but not exactly the same as, existing data. These systems use machine learning techniques, particularly deep learning, to understand and replicate patterns in…

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