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Funnel Storms LLC

Achieve More with the Power of the Storms

Unleash the Power of Social Media with Funnel Storms

More Engagement. More Consistency. More Growth. Elevate Your Franchise with Funnel Storms

Funnel Storms specializes in transforming the social media landscape for franchises. Our dedicated services are designed to enhance brand consistency, engage diverse markets, and drive tangible growth across all franchise locations. We understand the unique dynamics of franchise systems, offering tailored strategies that ensure each location thrives while upholding the overarching brand identity.

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Why do Franchises need social media marketing?

Let's talk about it...

  • Brand Consistency and Recognition: Social media enables franchise owners to maintain brand consistency across different locations. By using the same logos, taglines, and promotional materials, franchises can ensure a uniform brand experience for customers, which is key to building trust and recognition.

  • Local Engagement: Each franchise location can use social media to engage with its local community directly. This engagement can include promoting local events, special location-specific promotions, and community involvement, which can drive foot traffic and foster local loyalty.

  • Customer Feedback and Service: Social media provides a platform for customers to give feedback, which can be invaluable for improving services and customer satisfaction. Additionally, franchises can use these platforms for customer service, addressing concerns and questions promptly, which helps in retaining customers.

  • Marketing and Promotions: Social media is a cost-effective way to promote products and services. Franchises can reach a large audience without the significant costs associated with traditional advertising. Promotions, new product launches, and special events can be advertised through these channels to boost sales.

  • Competitive Advantage: In today’s digital age, having a strong social media presence can provide a competitive edge. Customers often look online for information about products or services, and franchises that are active and responsive on social media are more likely to attract these customers.

For franchise owners, effectively leveraging social media can lead to increased brand loyalty, enhanced customer engagement, and ultimately, greater business success.

What we offer

Harness the power of the storms to enhance your FRANCHISE! 

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Social Content Posted on Your Behalf

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Facebook and Instagram Ads Plus & Boost

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Brand Consistency Across All Locations

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Strategic Social Media Management

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Reputation & Reviews Management               

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Social Growth 

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Targeted Local Engagement

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Data-Driven Insights and Optimization

Our process

Our Guarantee To help You take your Franchise to the next level

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"Harness the Power of the Storms: Elevate Your Franchise" perfectly captures our mission to elevate your franchise to new heights. With our commitment to your success, you can trust Funnel Storms to unlock your franchise's social media potential and achieve your goals. Here's how we can help:

Brand Consistency Across All Locations

We ensure that every franchisee upholds the franchise's core brand elements, creating a seamless customer experience across all touchpoints.

Targeted Local Engagement

By tailoring content to local markets, we help each franchise location connect meaningfully with their community, increasing local support and customer loyalty.

Strategic Social Media Management

From crafting impactful posts to managing customer interactions, we handle all aspects of social media, allowing you to focus on running your business.

THe fine details of your offer

So here's how we can help you level up! With this exclusive offer That you can access right now!

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Offer #1

Social Pro

Elevate your franchise's social media presence with our Social Pro package, specifically designed to boost engagement, strengthen local connections, and foster growth. Ideal for franchises aiming to maintain a robust and consistent online presence, Social Pro offers a strategic blend of frequency and quality across the most impactful social platforms.

  • Weekly Social Posts

    Stay top of mind with four posts each week on both Facebook and Instagram, two posts on Google My Business, and one post on LinkedIn. These frequent updates will keep your audience engaged and informed.


  • Locale Specific Content

    Each post is crafted to resonate with your local audience, whether promoting local promotions, community events, or highlighting unique local features. Tailored content means higher relevance and engagement from your target demographic.


  • Promotions and Events

    Drive traffic and increase sales with regular posts about promotions, special events, and offers. Perfect for time-sensitive promotions and seasonal offers.


  • Community Engagement

    Strengthen your local presence by highlighting community events, sponsorships, and partnerships. This fosters a sense of community and shows your commitment to local customers.


  • Branded Social Media Marketing

    We'll create and manage your social media accounts, developing engaging content and growing your following.


  • Social Growth Consultation

    Benefit from expert consultation and assistance to continuously refine and improve your social media strategy. Our team will provide insights and actionable recommendations to help you grow your social reach and effectiveness.


Offer #2

Social Elite

Unlock the full potential of your franchise’s social media presence with our Social Elite package, designed for franchises seeking to dominate their digital landscapes. This premium offering provides comprehensive social media management tailored to elevate your brand, enhance local engagement, and significantly boost your online visibility. All the beneifts of Social Pro plus:

  • Daily Facebook Presence

    Maximize your reach with seven engaging posts per week on Facebook, ensuring your brand remains top-of-mind for your audience.


  • Enhanced Instagram Visibility

    Five weekly Instagram posts crafted to showcase your brand's personality and connect visually with your audience.


  • Google My Business Optimization

    Three weekly posts to your Google My Business profile, improving your local search visibility and informing potential customers about your services, promotions, and events.


  • Professional LinkedIn Content

    Three posts per week on LinkedIn, enhancing your professional reputation and engaging with a broader network of potential clients and partners.


  • Social Growth and Strategy

    We don’t just post; we strategize for growth. This service includes ongoing analysis and strategic planning to continuously refine your social media impact.


  • Reputation and Review

    Management: Actively manage your online reputation by responding to reviews and engaging with your audience to maintain a positive brand image.


  • Ads Plus or Boost

    Includes a $25 monthly budget for ads or boosted posts to increase reach and engagement, ensuring that your key promotions and content get seen by a wider audience.


Just Look At These Results!

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"I recently hired Funnel Storms to develop my website, create a sales funnel, and manage my SEO and social media. I was blown away by the quality of work and attention to detail that they provided. "

William Souder


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"I couldn't be happier with the results that Funnel Storms has delivered. Their expertise and dedication to my project have helped me achieve my business goals and take my brand to the next level. I highly recommend this agency to anyone looking to improve their online presence and grow their business."

Ronnie Turk

Business Owner

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"As a result of Funnel Storms' exceptional knowledge and unwavering commitment, my business has experienced a substantial growth in sales and revenue. I couldn't be happier with the results they've delivered and would highly recommend their services to anyone looking to grow their business."

Tom Neary


Call to action

Ready to Storm ahead of the competition

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Our value proposition is simple: For franchises looking to not just attract, but engage with customers, Funnel Storms is the trusted partner that humanizes technology to free up one of franchises most valuable assets – time.

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Funnel Storms, LLC

Achieve More with the Power of the Storms


Funnel Storms

Newnan, GA 30265

(770) 771-5244

Copywrite © 2024 Funnel Storms, LLC. All rights reserved.